Mission and Aims of the Project
The project „Hub Europe – New Approach to Teaching and Learning EU at School" is designed to open the European Studies Department of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" to secondary education as well as to contribute to high results in teaching European topics in secondary schools. It is based on the achievements of the "Jean Monnet Center of Excellence" at the European Studies Department at Sofia University http://jeanmonnetexcellence.bg/
The project’s mission is to direct teaching of knowledge about European integration not only to general issues, but also to new and current topics and to the integration of Bulgaria in the European Union. For this purpose, a "Hub Europe" will be crated. It will act as a space for disseminating knowledge and for filling the gaps on topics, related to current EU priorities: the European Green Deal, an economy that works for people , Europe - prepared for the digital age, protection of our European way of life, stronger Europe in the world, European democracy.

The project aims to help secondary school teachers introduce new methodologies, relevant content and tools on European Union topics within the Civic Education course, which will promote innovative and effective teaching methods on European issues in school.
The involvement of the National Association of the Bulgarian European Clubs (NABEC), The “Europe Direct” Centre of the European Institute, as well as the European Documentation Centre to the Faculty of Philosophy of the Sofia University is an innovative approach for cooperation of the professional community. It will create sustainable cooperation and exchange of ideas between academia, secondary school teachers, voluntary organizations, the non-governmental sector, as well as EU information networks in the field of teaching and learning on European topics and will streamline joint efforts to promote European values. and the active citizenship of the younger generation.
Objectives of the project
- Creating „Hub Europe" as an academic and pedagogical space for expert knowledge on EU topics for civic education and for salient EU priorities
- Creating an innovative and effective approach to raising awareness and active participation of young people, as well as building capacity for the introduction of European topics in civic education in secondary schools.
- Support and stimulation of the national network of European clubs and the network of "Schools of Ambassadors of the European Parliament in Bulgaria" and promotion of European values
- Creating and promoting online resources on key and current EU topics and priorities in an innovative and easy to access way.
Expected inputs
- Sustainable dialogue and cooperation between the Department European Studies Department at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and teachers from secondary schools
- Improving the quality of education and learning capacity
- Strengthening the interest in European topics in the secondary education system;
- Building new European clubs in schools to promote European values and active citizenship
This is a two-year initiative initiative lasts for two years (September 2020 - August 2022) and is co-financed by the European Union's Erasmus + programme.